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Feeding Instructions:

Feed this ration to growing lambs in conjunction with high quality forage or pasture. Intakes should be managed to approximately 0.45 to 0.91 kg (1 to 2 lbs) per head per day

Always provide salt free-choice and provide clean water.


Directions for use must be carefully followed.
Do not use this feed in association with another feed, grain ration, supplement, or premix containing supplemental selenium.

Note: Sheep are susceptible to copper deficiency and copper toxicosis. Consult a qualified nutritionists or veterinarian to determine suitability of this feed to local conditions.

  • Individual results from the use of this product may vary due to management, environment, genetics, health and sanitation differences. Therefore, Trouw Nutrition Canada, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee individual results.

14% Lamb Grower/ Finisher Ration 20KG

SKU: 21784669
  • All products can be purchased online. Pick up picture butte auction only. After hours available upon request

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