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Product Information

Features and Benefits:

  • Formulated for optimum health and growth of rabbits.
  • High fibre pellets, aids in reduction of feed waste.
  • Fortified with vitamins and minerals.

 Feeding Instructions:

Feed Hi-Pro 18% Rabbit Pellets at the rate of 115 g - 225 g per head per day for dry and pregnant does.  

After the doe has had her litter, feed her 170 g per day for the first week and increase this amount over time to 450 g per day by the time the young leave the nest box. At this time feed the doe and her litter free choice. This means a daily amount where all of the pellets are cleaned up in one day.  

Wean the litter at six weeks of age and feed them Hi-Pro 18% Rabbit Pellets free choice until market weight, but don't feed them more than what they will clean up in a day.

Feed growing bucks up to 170 g per head per day, but reduce this to 115 g - 140 g per day after they are full grown. Don't allow replacement breeding stock to become too overweight as this could cause breeding problems. Rabbits should have clean water available at all times.


Directions for use must be carefully followed.

  • Individual results from the use of this product may vary due to management, environment, genetics, health and sanitation differences. Therefore, Trouw Nutrition Canada, Inc. does not warrant or guarantee individual results.

18% Rabbit Pellets 20KG

SKU: 23310270
  • All products available online. Pick up picture butte auction only. After hours available upon request

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